Bolstering A Future DoD AI Workforce with Critical AI Contract Support
The AI Talent Contract Support Basic Ordering Agreements (BOA) allows government agencies to rapidly and repeatedly onramp contractor talent needed to advise and assist the future AI ready DoD workforce.
AI Talent is a scarce commodity, and the Government must compete with large tech companies to obtain advisory and assistant support (A&AS) contractor support. Many Department of Defense (DoD) offices struggle to define the right labor categories (LCAT) and work statement to acquire such resource. The CDAO will help DoD offices identify labor categories and specific roles, write work statements and performance metrics, and deliver support rapidly.
The DoD can advance its future AI-ready workforce by utilizing A&AS Contractor talent with competitive rates, appropriate LCATS, minimal conflicts of interest, and rapid on-ramping
1. Oversee the development of strategies to reduce technology and non-technology barriers to AI adoption
2. Ensure warfighting operations are functioning consistently to identify and exploit modernization opportunities
3. Coordinate information flow across the agency and with other agencies
4. Manage taskers and monitor performance measures
5. Elucidate use cases for AI
6. Deliver sustainable, useful, reliable AI Products
7. Inform Operation infrastructure design
8. Inform doctrine
9. Inform talent development/management
10. Educate leaders
11. Improve data (collection, curation, storage, and sharing)